So this is a very strongly Pro Fidel movie, and I really enjoyed. For a long rime I have been fascinated with Fidel, Che and the Cuban revolution. And because I am so fascinated about these very interesting figures, although I do not consider myself a pro or against Fidel (is this possible?) but I was glad to see a positive movie about Fidel had his lifetime achievements.
He is such an intriguing figure and most of the time portrayed as a villain, a ruthless dictator that took the freedom away from his people, and this movie presented a lot of important facts that weather one likes Fidel or no, it is worth watching it. I like to think I have seen this movie before, because the entire time while watching it I had Deja Vu feelings. I did watch many movies about him and Che before, most likely this one too...
Anyway, Fidel was a brilliant man, and like most brilliant leaders he knows how to speak and have his people on his side, watching the Cuban population, and actually Latinos in various parts of the world listening to him and going crazy on the streets was just unbelievable. He is really able to get his people and sell his ideas, no matter what they are, in a very successful way. His remarkable speech where the people had their riffles up was just WOW!! No wonder why he was such a threat.
Although this movie showed a lot of the same, I was very interested to see how important the Cuban government role was to the African struggles. In fact not only Africa, I was surprised to learn how Fidel support other countries all over the world including Vietnam. He somehow shaped the international relations scenario by intervening in these issues that could have had a totally different outcome if it wasn’t for him.
I think nowadays when talking about Cuba a lot of people think of it as a miserable nation, with a leader that did not succeed. People tend to see Cubans as unfortunate people not able to leave their countries, deprived of so much technology, which to an extent I agree. But I really could never agree with someone saying that Fidel failed, that he did not succeed. I think his ideals were always very clear and this movie absolutely shows that, he did achieve what he wanted. It is incredible to think that a country is still surviving completely independent of the US.
Another good thing achieved by Fidel in this movie that many seem to forget is how he invested on education and especially sports.
But to me what makes it really interesting about this man is the fact that he survived, with all the CIA attempts to kill him, he is still alive. He survived and he succeeded, and I cannot think about any other leader with such atypical history like Fidel.
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