domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Capitalism, a love story

In Capitalism: A love story, Michael Moore talks about capitalism and its relationship to the current economic crisis. The movie starts with some interesting, even funny, propaganda films praising "free enterprise" and the "profit motive", which are strongly connected to the current crisis and the role of Wall St., Bank of America, Lehman Brothers and other corporations. The movie shows clearly how the American people's "love affair" with Capitalism ended up right with the end of the famous American Dream.
Moore also emphasize the diea of what kind of democracy Americans are living in right now, a democracy in which the government serves the people or a democracy in which the government works to make top corporations in control of the nation?
Many manifestations are presented throughout the movie, like the family from North Carolina who refuses to leave their home and the Union workers occupation in Chicago. People are taking action and I believe that is probably one of the main ideas of the movie.
I believe that the best way to analyze this film, is to consider the contradictions between democracy and capitalism. Is democracy for capitalists, bankers, business people and investors, or is democracy for working people and the poor?
Following the same directions as the ideas presented on this movie is the recent Occuppy Wall Street movement, which is definitely a strong reaction to the giant corporations and capitalism.

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